01 October 2023

Dory Piccata with Capers and White Wine

Dory Piccata with Capers and White Wine



  • 1/2 cup All-purpose flour
  • Dory filet or other white fish filet
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 60ml vegetable oil
  • 80 ml dry white wine
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons drained capers in vinegar
  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus 1 tablespoon (15g) unsalted butter mashed into a paste with 1/4 teaspoon all-purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 1/2 tbsp minced parsley leaves



  1. Season fish filets all over with salt and pepper.
  2. Working with one piece of fish at a time, dredge filets in flour, shaking off excess. Transfer to the prepared baking sheet.
  3. Working in batches, pan fried fish until well browned.
  4. Boil Wine in the skillet. Cook until the alcohol smell has mostly cooked off and wine is reduced. Add capers, the 4 tbsp unsalted butter, and the butter-flour mixture and cook, whisking constantly, until butter has melted.
  5. Lower heat to medium and continue to simmer while whisking until a creamy, emulsified sauce has formed. Whisk in lemon juice and parsley. Season with salt, then pour sauce over fish filets and serve right away.


Dory Piccata with Capers and White Wine



  • 1/2 cangkir Tepung serbaguna
  • Filet Dory atau filet ikan putih lainnya
  • Garam halal dan lada hitam yang baru digiling
  • 60ml minyak sayur
  • 80 ml anggur putih kering
  • 1 1/2 sendok makan caper yang dikeringkan dengan cuka
  • 4 sendok makan mentega tawar, ditambah 1 sendok makan (15g) mentega tawar yang dihaluskan menjadi pasta dengan 1/4 sendok teh tepung serbaguna
  • 1 sdm jus lemon segar
  • 1 1/2 sdm daun peterseli cincang



  1. Bumbui seluruh fillet ikan dengan garam dan merica.
  2. Bekerja dengan sepotong ikan pada satu waktu, celupkan ikan ke dalam tepung, buang kelebihannya. Pindahkan ke loyang yang sudah disiapkan.
  3. Bekerja secara bertahap, goreng ikan sampai berwarna kecoklatan.
  4. Rebus Anggur dalam wajan. Masak hingga sebagian besar bau alkohol hilang dan anggur berkurang. Tambahkan caper, 4 sdm mentega tawar, dan campuran tepung mentega, lalu masak sambil terus diaduk hingga mentega meleleh.
  5. Kecilkan api menjadi sedang dan terus masak sambil diaduk hingga terbentuk saus kental dan emulsi. Kocok jus lemon dan peterseli. Bumbui dengan garam, lalu tuangkan saus di atas fillet ikan dan sajikan segera.